Saturday 17 September 2011

Contact Training Days

So this year I managed to be lucky enough to become a Union Contact for Brunel and this means helping all the little freshers move in and get settled into uni life!! This sounds beautifully kind doesn't it! Well its a week of sorting out the freshers, making sure they get home after getting completely and utterly smashed out of their faces and after being kicked out of the clubs for being simply too drunk. It's also getting them used to their surroundings, i.e their new halls of residence. So Hall banter between the various halls is a MUST. This includes hall chants, and slagging off other halls in your chants. Holding 'Court'. This is where the freshers and the contacts get to know each other. It's where the head contacts get to pick up on various stupid and funny things other freshers or contacts have done and humiliating them. This sometimes involves downing disgusting drinks and eating substances such as cat food and onion brine. mmmm Lush! It is also about looking after the freshers that don't want to get involved with all the social aspect and making sure that all the international freshers start to feel like Brunel is their new home. 
The Contact Training days are there to help us Contacts lean how to deal with this mental week, and what IS and most importantly ISN'T expected of us. There are also quite a few of my friends who are also Contacts this year, and Emmy got head Contact of Lancaster Hall which is my fresher hall. Obviously I was routing for Lancaster to be my hall! However. On the first training day on thursday, we got told that non of us are in the same Contact groups. did this happen. I even received my last choice of halls, LAST CHOICE! I had to suck it up, I got Mill Hall and Fleming. Sophie got Bishops and Emmy got Lancaster. Even all our other friends got put in different ones from us. 

So I was Mill Hall and Fleming or MILF as they call themselves. Once we had all spilt up into our  Contact groups things started to get a little better. We had to take part in team building exercises and sit through lecture after lecture about dealing with issues within freshers week. This also included on the Friday a 30 Minute lecture on 'Pesting' and why we can not and shall not pest the freshers. 

Mill Hall

Fleming Hall (Not the best photo)
The two days were very long and most of it was quite boring. However by the end of the two days and when we all were in our t-shirts (which are PINK!!!!!! :D) together, I really felt we had started to become a team. Even as much as I don't want to admit it, I had even come around to have a mini (and at the moment I mean mini) bit of love towards MILF halls. Freshers week starts Sunday and ends Friday. So bring on 9am tomorrow morning when I am going to be reppin' the MILF halls with the rest of the crew, helping all the freshers move their stuff into their new rooms. Our days start and 9am and we don't have a specific time when we are meant to finish; but guessing from Sophie's timetable last year (When she was doing 9am till 3am) its going to be a pretty restless, but brilliant week ahead of us. 

The Girl on the right was my Contact when I moved in. 

Better picture of Fleming Hall. 

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