Saturday 17 September 2011

Boyfriend with Benefits..

This Wednesday came and it called for ORANGE WEDNESDAYS!! course it does, so me and the Boyff decided to go see 'Friends with Benefits'. OMG, amazing! its so funny and I have so much love for both of them. Even Sean enjoyed it, and he really isn't the biggest fan of rom coms! It's like the perfect reality love story. Mila Kunis is one of the most hilarious woman actors (Personally) ever! I'm not going to ramble on about it and ruin the story, but it's wicked, defo go see it...

Contact Training Days

So this year I managed to be lucky enough to become a Union Contact for Brunel and this means helping all the little freshers move in and get settled into uni life!! This sounds beautifully kind doesn't it! Well its a week of sorting out the freshers, making sure they get home after getting completely and utterly smashed out of their faces and after being kicked out of the clubs for being simply too drunk. It's also getting them used to their surroundings, i.e their new halls of residence. So Hall banter between the various halls is a MUST. This includes hall chants, and slagging off other halls in your chants. Holding 'Court'. This is where the freshers and the contacts get to know each other. It's where the head contacts get to pick up on various stupid and funny things other freshers or contacts have done and humiliating them. This sometimes involves downing disgusting drinks and eating substances such as cat food and onion brine. mmmm Lush! It is also about looking after the freshers that don't want to get involved with all the social aspect and making sure that all the international freshers start to feel like Brunel is their new home. 
The Contact Training days are there to help us Contacts lean how to deal with this mental week, and what IS and most importantly ISN'T expected of us. There are also quite a few of my friends who are also Contacts this year, and Emmy got head Contact of Lancaster Hall which is my fresher hall. Obviously I was routing for Lancaster to be my hall! However. On the first training day on thursday, we got told that non of us are in the same Contact groups. did this happen. I even received my last choice of halls, LAST CHOICE! I had to suck it up, I got Mill Hall and Fleming. Sophie got Bishops and Emmy got Lancaster. Even all our other friends got put in different ones from us. 

So I was Mill Hall and Fleming or MILF as they call themselves. Once we had all spilt up into our  Contact groups things started to get a little better. We had to take part in team building exercises and sit through lecture after lecture about dealing with issues within freshers week. This also included on the Friday a 30 Minute lecture on 'Pesting' and why we can not and shall not pest the freshers. 

Mill Hall

Fleming Hall (Not the best photo)
The two days were very long and most of it was quite boring. However by the end of the two days and when we all were in our t-shirts (which are PINK!!!!!! :D) together, I really felt we had started to become a team. Even as much as I don't want to admit it, I had even come around to have a mini (and at the moment I mean mini) bit of love towards MILF halls. Freshers week starts Sunday and ends Friday. So bring on 9am tomorrow morning when I am going to be reppin' the MILF halls with the rest of the crew, helping all the freshers move their stuff into their new rooms. Our days start and 9am and we don't have a specific time when we are meant to finish; but guessing from Sophie's timetable last year (When she was doing 9am till 3am) its going to be a pretty restless, but brilliant week ahead of us. 

The Girl on the right was my Contact when I moved in. 

Better picture of Fleming Hall. 

Monday 12 September 2011

And the Dissertation Looms...

Today brought back the brutal reality of a dissertation looming, I received an email from Brunel with the year three timetable. The hair brushes and the make-up must be pushed to the side of the desk for a while; as I start to rack my brain for ideas for the most important performance I will have done so far. I am going into my third year at uni, and I am a drama student. This means, I am lucky enough to have the choice of a written or practical dissertation. Obviously, I have chosen the practical option. Personally the thought of sitting down and writing a ten thousand word essay makes me want to cry. Now, a dissertation calls for much thought and preparation. With long rehearsals in any type of space we can find; and script after script must be ripped into and stripped for parts. Now the problem lays in the fact that in my A-level class there were only four girls. This proved difficult to find sutiable scripts with four equally important female roles. So naturally for my dissertation I chose to be in a group of three girls. Clever. No, this will be a good thing. I'm in a group with Lexi & Esin, both very talented girls at drama. Brunel encourages all types of theatre, but usually, what we have found is the stranger or (out of the box) the performance the better the mark. So pass me some scripts and bring on the creative flow...

Friday 9 September 2011

Should be partyin' TOWIE style...

I'm not happy for a number of reasons. One, Student loan sent out many letters saying you will be receiving your loan on the 6th...well it got to 8.45pm on the 5th and they kindly decided to inform all the people who had these misprinted letters saying there had been a typo and we had to wait 3 more weeks. Right. So what about rent? New foxy locks before Fresher’s week on the 18th? Orr how about general living money for 3 weeks. Not happy student loan, not at all.

Secondly and most importantly, the reason why I am not best pleased today is down to the fact it is the 9th of September. This means I should have been preparing for a mental TOWIE style night out in Essex for Esin's 21st birthday party, in a Travelodge with Sophie and Lexi. OH NO WAIT...NO IT DOESNT!! Again, thank you student loan.. Thank you. This is shocking, that due to the financial bite, I cannot attend one of my best friend’s birthdays. I was very much looking forward to a good old night out on the town with lots of orange tans and 'Shutt apppp's'. So my blogs ‘lifestyle’ section is simply going to have to wait, until Student flipping loan graces us with its presence.  

I would like to take this moment to apologise to my little Esminder... This simply calls for another party preparation to begin. Esin's birthday will carry on until October. :) Just how the 21st should be.


Tuesday 6 September 2011

Winkers, Whoopsie's & Wetherspoons

1st September 2011-

FINALLY the Benbow girls are reunited! Sophie, Lexi, Esin, Hayley Woods and myself hit uxbridge for the day and ended up partyin' on in the nightclub Winkers, in Chalfont St Peter.

We started off the day by picking up Hayley Woods, my bestie from School! Who is freaking AMAZING, I love her very much! She is always up for a laugh and any crazy idea, she will be the first be in on it! Lexi, Sophie, Hayley and I drove to Bosanquet, Uxbridge. We took a drive into Uxbridge town, via Benbow waye, to drop off my car. We say we 'Have' to drop our cars there, as our new road has permit. Though there are defiantly other roads which are much closer than Benbow to leave our cars, but we are that sad. To us it’s like going home!

Once in town we got something to eat, we decided on Wetherspoons; it’s cheap, quick, and the closest thing we are going to get to a 'proper' meal before we go and drink our body weight in alcohol. Whilst eating, and discussing the night ahead of us, Lexi brought up a rather odd game called 'Whoopsie's'. Apparently her cousins and she played this game, whilst drunk on the tube this summer. It involves getting to a very uncomfortably close position to a person you don’t know and using your index finger, you have to see if you can stroke their bum crevice without them noticing. "WHAT?!" yeah, that’s what we thought! Lexi laughed, as we all sat there with confused and frankly disgusted faces. "Soph, stand up a second" Lexi said, pulling Soph's arm up. Sophie looked reluctant as she sheepishly stood up and looked around the restaurant, seeing if anyone was taking notice of what was happening. Lexi stood behind her and pretended to bump into her, "Whooopsiee" she exclaimed as she discretely stroked Sophie’s bum. "I didn't even feel that!" Sophie happily shouted out, before realising that she shouted and slowly sat back down.
"Exactly, it’s all about them not noticing" said Lexi cheerfully.

I would have liked to have said that was the end of that game, oh no. After lunch we went into Iceland (We are students okay!)  to get the standard alchz for the night. Though on the way into the shop Sophie said "How many points if I whoopsie someone in Iceland?" Everyone laughed thinking she must be joking. Again, oh no.
"200" I said.
"Right, okay... Girls watch this" Sophie said seriously, as she walked off with mission in her eyes and started scanning the store for an unsuspecting person.
She had a few embarrassing misses, as she got so close then realised she physically couldn't do it without getting caught. This was until we got to the tills. She pushed into a man and "Accidently" fell into the back him, and I’m very proud to confirm that she successfully performed her first Whoopsie! Thankfully Sophie and the other girls forgot about this game by the time we went out. Lucky for us, as if anyone has ever been to Winkers they will understand why!

Back from Uxbridge and the preparations began!

Hair- Washed, dried, GHD'd

Fake-tan- St Moritz (What else, Savers £2.99, the foam I strongly recommend. Friends and myself have tried a lot of different fake tans, this is by far is the BEST. Get the mitt though, no orange hands! The beautiful thing about this tan is that it is very versatile, can be applied in a thick layer the night before, and washed off in the morning for a professional summer glow. However it can also be applied after a shower and ovs before make-up before a night out, with no streaks, and no odd smell. You can apply to the face and DONT WORRY, it will look slightly patchy on the face and will look very brown, but I can promise it covers up beautifully with a good foundation & also leaves the overall finished make-up looking more flawless with a light sun kissed look. Will do a blog on this tan at a later date with more details)

Then there is curling, curling and more curling on the other girl’s hair and their hair extensions. (Lexi's Hair extensions- 'Foxy Locks Hair Extensions'. YouTube them, The girl who started them is the queen of hair!. Lexi wears 'Off Black' and they are the Deluxe 160g and they end up after p&p around £77. Sounds like a lot of money, but you get thicker hair than normal extensions in a beautiful condition and LOADS of hair that you would never get for that amount of money!)


8.00pm- PRE DRINKS!!

Cranberry, Vodka and Archers [*]
Apple sours [*]
Vodka, Tropical Juice
Fat frog.

The pre-drinks playlist came on and that was it, what a night.

This is the floor the living room the next morning. Beautiful..

The night was a brilliant way to start year 3 of Uni, 'Dirty talk, by Wynter Gordon' is 100% the Benbow Girl's song. On request it played 5 times in Winkers!

We had 5 Pizzas waiting for us when we got home £28, on flippin pizza!! This is because, when I rang the Pizza guy he told me one pizza wouldn’t be enough, So I ordered 5?! Actually we all still owe Hayley money for that. Sorry Hayz, we will take you out when you come home from uni.

Hayley left the house at 5am in the morning and left her i.d, bank cards and her student cards. She was going back to uni on Saturday. She couldn’t have left more important cards if she tried.

Lexi passed out. Literally, out cold. With her nipple out. Apparently I'm not allowed to put that picture up, though if it was up to Sophie that picture would have been the header for this night.

Esin was the drunkest we have EVER seen her, burnt her hand and was running, naked around the house crying her eyes out. She was closely followed by Sophie trying to catch her to calm her down. (I don’t understand why there is so much nakedness with the girls when their drunk)

We all drunk much too much. We had soo many Jokes, We OWNED Winkers. The nights out with the girls are THE BEST.

Anyway, I'm going to go sleep now! x

27th August 1991, 31st August 1990, 10th September 1990

30th August 2011-
Today is the first of the birthday celebrations. This is taking place in Luton, In the Wigmore Arms. This is Sophie's current work place & due to her recent offer to work in the Student Union Bar on campus, 'Loco's' this year; she is leaving the Wigmore Arms and wants to take advantage of the 50% off discount on the food before she leaves. So in this case I'm not complaining! Pass me the Food and the Wine! :) Joining me in the first of many celebrations is Emmy, Miss Emma I'Anson. ROAD TRIP!!
I am also very excited to be giving Soph her birthday presents today! I ended up getting her the following...

1) A designer DKNY handbag. I am majorly 'Jel' about this present.  It is a dark grey patent 'Shopper' bag. Now I know the word 'Shopper' makes the bag suddenly seem, dare I say slightly ‘cheap’ sounding. Though I can assure you, this was in no way a cheap bag, nor does it look in anyway ‘cheap’ looking. The bag is also MASSIVE! Sophie did say to me a few months ago, when she first expressed that she wanted a designer bag for her birthday- "I just want any designer bag really. I know they are really expensive, but I just want any designer bag. Trouble is, I only want a huge one, not a small one. So I’m thinking, I’m defiantly not going to be getting a bag. Guess an iPod will do!"
So the surprise element for her when I bring out the absolutely enormous and delicious DNKY bag hopefully should be a pretty class one!
2) As I've said before Sophie appreciates any comical present. This next present is exactly what this. A lap tray, with a picture of a massive Fry up on it. Now there is a story behind the fact I brought her a tray. It’s not simply a fetish of Sophie’s that she has a particular thing for trays or anything. The story of why I have brought her a tray is the following...  
It was a Wednesday night, Liquid Night, Fussy Logic night, Party Night, Night out, whatever you want to call it. Lauren Taylor, Loz (House Mate number 2) had 5 of her girls from home down. They had been out to Liquid night club with us, and had left around 15 minutes earlier than we had. Esin, Sophie and Myself arrived home in the taxi, with I would like to add, with a chicken burger and chips from the Kebab shop in hand (They are so bloody good, they deserve a mention) When we are standing outside the house we see every single window in the house is wide open. The curtains are all pulled back, and the lights off. It’s December, and it’s freezing! Why on earth are ALL the windows wide open, in our house that takes a good month to heat up properly, we ask ourselves. We embark to walk into the house and Loz, and her friends are sitting in darkness in the ice bucket, which is the living room. There is an extremely strong smell of burning. Not just burning food though, burning plastic! It turns out that Loz, upon returning home, decided she wanted to put a pizza in the oven. She did so, but instead of putting the pizza on what she thought was a pizza tray, turned out it was Sophie's plastic dinner tray. Which as you can imagine melted in the oven, causing a cloud of black smoke spreading through the house. The funniest part of this was that it wasn't the cloud of black smoke forming through the house that lead Loz to realise it was burning. In fact it was only when Loz's friend said "Loz, it smells like the pizza's burning" Loz replied with "No, it’s just that oven, it always smells like that!".  Sophie was truly hurt that her tray had died in such a grotesque manner. I have never seen anything take such a hit to Sophie as when she found out it had been her tray that had burnt. It bothered her for the rest of the year as she would drop the whole “I can’t believe it was MY tray!” and “I’m going to go eat dinner in the living room on my lap...oh wait, no, no I’m not!!” . So it only felt right that she was to receive a brand new, shiny one for her 21st birthday.

3) A Photo book, just a little mix of all photos since our fresher year at uni, with the added commentary from myself.

4) Some super fit ass natural soaps. Orange and! Lemon and Tea tree (Soph is the Biggest Tea Tree fan)

5) Obviously lots of food, drinks and one enormous birthday cake!