Wednesday 4 April 2012

Bush to Blue to Perfect BeneBrow

Throughout history eyebrows have always been an important part of a woman's face. After all they help to frame the most important part..the eyes. 
Eyebrows help to support your face, as well as your personality. They can be sexy, girly and professional. 
You only really tend to notice eyebrows when they haven't been shaped. We all know when that woman that catches your eye when your walking down the street because..
'something doesn't look right, but you just can't put your finger on what it is.' 
Most probs it will be her brows. 

So I personally was over the moon to know...

My beautiful Benefit counter has a new Brow Bar added to it! 
This is a new feature to the store and relatively new in the Benefit world. This is an exiting feature for us as a counter, as it means more customers and more services to show to our existing customers! Now obviously as a walking advertisement for Benefit we have to look the part, as well as know the products. This called for one thing...
Eyebrow trimming time!
Kill me now. 

I'm not a huge fan of my eyebrows being done, as I either sneeze constantly throughout or it is simply too painful. 
This time however, I didn't get a choice. 
My regional manager was introducing us, the new team together when she said....

"Right were going to have lots of fun today, working with products, traffic stopping and promoting the brand-spanking-new Brow Bar"
We all smiled and nodded along. She then followed with...
"Which means we are going to take a look at you're brows Eve, get them shaped, tinted and waxed! Isn't that exciting!"

That is a classic awkward moment when you are the victim of a 'Subtle' hint, or not so subtle as the case may be.

So I was popped onto the Brow Bar seat and was preped for the treatment I was about to undergo. Okay, so I'll admit I did have slightly shocking brows, I'm not talking horrific, but they needed a good seeing to.
The pressure of my regional manager's presence was clearly getting to the newly hired brow therapist, she was put under a time limit to complete the treatment and was being watched at every step of her 'Wow Brows'.
I firstly have to say, I have never ever had my eyebrows tinted, personally I wouldn't have thought I needed to seeing as my eyebrows are black. This in turn meant that I wouldn't have a clue what to look for when I was getting tint applied to my eyebrows. 
About 40 seconds into the tint having been applied, I looked in the mirror to see my skin around the brows turning blue, yes BLUE. 
It turns out that under the pressure of the day, the brows girl had put a blue/black tint on my brows, causing the skin around my eyes to take a little too well to the colour...leaving them stained blue.
Just a perfect way to start at my new counter
My first initial thought was 
"How am I going to get anyone to buy anything off me...when I have blue on, and around my eyebrows", in real terms ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!!!!!


My professional brain thankfully kicked in and I tried to make light of the situation as the brow girl nervously laughed saying to the manager
"Oh, She loves them, really....she does"
as my regional manager quickly scans the draw of tints for the correct shade and a remover.
They didn't have a black shade it turns out,
and thankfully the blue came off
So now I have very, very beautiful brows to the Benefit standard 
'Benefit Brow Arch' 


This mistake will only ever happen once, and thankfully it was on me. For the rest of the day the brow girl was waxing/ tinting perfection onto people's faces and I really do believe the Benebrow is a skill.

The Benebrow Bar is a brilliant addition to the Benefit counter. The services they offer are....

*Lip Wax
*Chin Wax
*Eye Brow Wax
*Eye Brow Tint
*The Magic 4-Which is all four treatments together

So if your feeling like you want to experience the 'Brow Wow', without the blue. (Unless that's your style)
google your local benefit with Brow Bar and rep the most beautiful eyebrows in town.

Benebow at it's finest!

Becoming a "Benebabe"

So, this past week I have been undertaking make-up artistry training at my brand new sparkling job at.....Benefit Cosmetics!!! I have been an unbelievable geek this week, whilst I put my knowledge and pure DEDICATION to the make-up world to the test. I have learnt everything from powder and primers to pencils. Its strange, I never knew just how amazing each and every product really is. Now I was defiantly on the band waggon on thinking that when counter girls try to sell you something, the likely hood of the product doing just what they are saying it does is very unlikely. HOWEVER.....from trying and testing pretty much every product Benefit has to offer, I can confidently say they Benefit's products does exactly what they say on the tin (well not tin, but you  know) there is a reason Benefit hold #1 in the world titles for some of their products and through the next few weeks I am going to be putting some of the best sellers and new releases to the test to prove that these products ARE worth the money!

I did my training in Uxbridge, on the Debenhams counter! It is a lush store and a beautiful counter, two girls run the stand. The two blonde bombshells, One the account manager and another part-timer. The account manager trained me up and worked hard on making sure I knew all the products and that I was comfortable in working within the selling and the practise of the make-up. The first few days we worked through every single product Benefit has on their sparkly shelves and Drilled in the skincare into my brain... I have never ever had so much hate for science, who the hell cares what derivatives are inside their foundations??
Just f.y.i its C & E ;) 

Then Thursday and Friday took me to the shop floor.....Shock horror, i was allowed lose on customers!!
Luckily I have some knowledge on the whole how to apply make-up thingy, as otherwise i would have been slightly lost to the fact of how to apply a primer, foundation, topping powder and highlighter correctly. I took the chance and took to the floor with what is known as "Traffic Stopping", (I know sounds scary)

"Hello, have you heard of Benefit before?"
"Yes I have, I have plenty of the products thanks."
"Brilliant, well have you heard of the new mascara they have launched called They're Real?"
"Ahh well let me show you......"

It goes something along these lines when the Benefit girls scan the store for customers stop them in their tracks with some brilliant new product!! bam bam!! Which this past week has been 'Hello Flawless Oxygen Wow' A slight mouthful I know but it has been drawing the customers in. 

My knowledge this week has taught me it is the new foundation by Benefit. 
*It comes in 9 different shades, so brilliant to match any skin tone. 
*Has the new Oxygen Wow Hydrating Complex....which means it helps to boost cellular respiratory, which basically 'plumps' the skin. Helps to prevent against Environmental stresses and also contains Amino Acids, which smooths and sooths the skin.
*Contains Vitamins C & A Derivatives, which help with Anti-Ageing 
*Contains Minerals, Mainly in the form of sea water leaving the skin hydrated for longer 
*Contains Peptides.They smooth and sooth the skins as well as detoxifies and protects.
*Is light enough for a day-time coverage though is buildable for a stronger evening look. 
*By using a shade darker than the normal foundation tone, you can use the darker shade as a contour for the cheeks for a more defined look. 
*Allows skin to breathe so there is no clogging or patches left on the skin. 
*Skin feels lights and not heavy.
*No need to reapply throughout day as it is a long wearing,protective, hydrating foundation 

All in all a pretty brill foundation. Its worth testing it out for yourself. Head down to your local Benefit Counter and ask to be colour matched! You can see how you like the product and how it can works with so many looks!

I wore the product everyday of my training for over 10 hours at a time. Working under department store lighting and in a hot, busy environment. I was on my feet all day working with customers, I was working around spraying perfume's and various make-up particles. This foundation DID NOT MOVE ALL DAY. I used a bog standard make-up wipe to remove it, and it was easy, no need to scrub. This should be everyone's new foundations as it is such a BABE of a foundation.