Monday 28 May 2012

Brunel's been emotional

The Brunel Crew 2012

I've finished University. Its a difficult time. I have had the most AMAZING 3 years of my life and now it has unwillingly come to an end. I remember moving into halls on the first day of university and thinking how long 3 years is going to be....How very wrong I was. I feel like it was only a few mouths ago I was still a fresher flooding the kitchen with Tom (The Flat 46 room mate, turned house mate in Bosanquet). We regularly decided to put the plugs in the three sinks of Maria Grey's Kitchen and fill the bowl with washing up liquid then simply leaving the taps on full until someone comes out of their room wondering where the waterfall sound is coming from. Most people reading this, if you haven't been to university will probably not understand the immense comedic factor of pranks like this. Fresher year allows you to be a child again, without being told to stop acting stupid. Some of the favourites involve....

* Putting 'Out of Order' signs on the lift, on every level of our Halls. Then seeing people go to use the lift, then look at the sign and turn around to walk up the stairs.

* Having a Water fight with Tom, Sophie, Nav and Paul at 2am.

*Throwing frozen peas under toms bedroom door. (Tom Hates Peas)

*Leaning a bin full of water and frozen veg up against Toms door so he couldn't leave without flooding his room.

*Overall just destroying toms door with eggs, rice, washing up liquid, ketchup etc.

*When Netty and Tom left a note on my door pretending to be Brunel University when I went away for the weekend telling me that my room was to an unacceptable standard and I was getting evicted. I was close to tears.

*Turning all the lights off in the Kitchen and having a full rave, getting so drunk and dancing like you are on drugs on a tuesday evening, And EVERYONE feeling like they are actually in a rave.


Brunel Crew 2009 

The Final Week at Brunel was minging, we all spent the whole time melting about the fact we were leaving. University is incredible, i'm not going to say its the course because In my case it really, really wasn't. However the social side and in terms of life lessons it is key, I think to everyone's life. I'm a different person thanks to Mr Brunel, what a LAD!! The people you meet at uni are the best people in the world. DONT MISS OUT!!

So the Benbow Girls have been left to their own whats the first thing we do....Book a f'ing holiday...


Enough said.


Watch out.

So this calls for a detox, an intense detox at that. For the last three years I have consumed hideous amounts of alcohol and I hate to imagine not only how much fast food I have eaten but just how much junk I have inflicted on my body. I have found a 7 day intense detox diet and this is what I am venturing on at the moment.

Its Killing me.

I can't eat anything of great taste, which doesn't fill the gap which KFC or PizzaHut Buffet usually fills.  However on the plus I have only done it for two days and I feel so much better already. The Benbow's are hitting Watford Town for a night out on Saturday, so this crash diet better kick in by then. I need to be bikini bod ready for August so off to Argos I go for a good old 'Ab Tek'....and even more exciting its pink! Boom!!

If you fancy trying out the 7 day detox click on the link below..